[Hopespringpcsg] Fw: Your Monthly Debrief: Wrapping Up Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
faulkner.23 at rogers.com
Thu Sep 29 08:31:48 EDT 2022
Sent from Rogers Yahoo Mail on Android
----- Forwarded message ----- From: "Prostate Cancer Support Canada" <support at prostatecancersupport.ca> To: "Karren" <faulkner.23 at rogers.com> Cc: Sent: Wed., 28 Sep. 2022 at 11:02 a.m. Subject: Your Monthly Debrief: Wrapping Up Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
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p{font-size:16px !important;line-height:150% !important;}}@media only screen and (max-width:480px){#yiv7446612086 #yiv7446612086templateLowerBody .yiv7446612086mcnTextContent, #yiv7446612086 #yiv7446612086templateLowerBody .yiv7446612086mcnTextContent p{font-size:16px !important;line-height:150% !important;}}@media only screen and (max-width:480px){#yiv7446612086 #yiv7446612086templateFooter .yiv7446612086mcnTextContent, #yiv7446612086 #yiv7446612086templateFooter .yiv7446612086mcnTextContent p{font-size:14px !important;line-height:150% !important;}} A 'cheeky' awareness campaign, our growing video library, and more
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| Have you seen our 'cheeky' #CheckupBriefs campaign in honour of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month?
Check it out below and please share it with anyone you think should book a DRE. If they let us know they've booked an exam, they could win a pair of these fun briefs! |
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| (Of course, we're not saying that you actually need these undies to get a DRE, but if this campaign reminds even a few guys that it's time to get checked, then we've done our job!) |
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| This great article in Muse talks a little bit about the background behind this campaign; "Humor can be a good way in when you're talking about uncomfortable health issues."
Help us end Prostate Cancer Awareness Month with a bang and raise awareness about the importance of early detection by sharing the campaign: |
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Association of plant-based diet index with prostate cancer risk
Previous studies have shown that plant-based diets may be beneficial to prostate cancer patients, in terms of disease progression and risk. This study looked to examine the relationship between prostate cancer risk and a plant-based diet. Over 47,000 men were followed prospectively, surveyed, and given a score based on their adherence to a plant-based diet. The results showed that greater consumption of plant-based foods was associated with a significantly lower risk of fatal prostate cancer, especially in those over the age of 65.
Loeb, S., Fu, B., Bauer, S., Pernar, C., Chan, J., Van Blarigan, E., Giovannucci, E., Kenfield, S. and Mucci, L., 2021. Association of plant-based diet index with prostate cancer risk. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 115(3), pp.662-670.
Our free Reef Knot Kit information packages include a copy of 'Your Prostate Cancer Nutrition Guide' which includes several plant-based recipes. Order one here (free shipping throughout Canada).
| Read the study here |
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| WEDNESDAY, SEPT 28TH, 2022 |
Prostate cancer affects both partners in a relationship. This support group offers a safe space for caregivers and loved ones to share their experiences, triumphs, and concerns.
Check out the Partners in Prostate forum where you can chat with other partners 24/7. |
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| WEDNESDAY, SEPT 28TH, 2022 |
Join Prostate Cancer Support Toronto for a session on the 'Naturopathic Approach to Prostate Cancer' with Dr. Eric Marsden. Dr. Marsden is the Director of Marsden Centre’s post graduate residency program in naturopathic cancer care. |
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This group welcomes men and their loved ones dealing with prostate cancer that has spread, that no longer responds to ADT, or is high risk.
Advanced cancer patients deal with unique issues. Come for the information, stay for the support. New attendees are given priority to share. |
| Register now |
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| THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 2022 | 4:30PM PT (7:30PM ET) This group offers support and information to men looking into active surveillance as a non-invasive treatment option for their low- or intermediate-risk prostate cancer.
Learn more about how active surveillance works and why it's not the same as just 'avoiding treatment.' |
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| With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Glen Norman Tolhurst on July 14, at the age of 75 following an unexpected heart attack.
Following a successful battle with prostate cancer in 2009, Glen co-founded the Prostate Cancer Support Group of Waterloo-Wellington (formally PCCN). The group is run by prostate cancer survivors, like Glen, helping those currently fighting the disease.
Glen spent his youth in Regina, Saskatchewan. He was a member of the 41 Hercules Squadron Air Cadets, attending summer camps in Sea Island, British Columbia and Borden, Ontario. He enrolled in ROTP (Air Force) at the University of Manitoba, and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He earned the rank of Captain by the time he returned to civilian life. After graduating with an MBA from University of Western Ontario, Glen went on to become an operations executive for many years.
A private service was held on August 2, 2022 at the National Military Cemetery in Ottawa. Two members from the Ottawa Prostate Support Group represented his many colleagues in Support Groups across the country.
HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre in Waterloo posted a fitting tribute to Glen: We were SO saddened to hear of Glen's recent passing. We knew Glen as a kind, caring and compassionate man, he was so passionate about the Prostate Cancer Support Group and helping others on their cancer journey. He put much time and effort into ensuring the group continued to offer the needed support for all affected by prostate cancer. His loss will be deeply felt in the community. |
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| An updated list of research opportunities and clinical trials that have been shared with us this month including:
- COMPASS for queer men
- EXCEL - exercise for cancer aptients
- iSTRIDE - reducing sedentary behaviour in PCa patients
- and more
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| Prostatepedia is a free publication that consolidates the latest research in prostate cancer. The September 23 digest may be found here. |
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| Active Surveillance 101: Like 101-level courses in colleges, AS 101 is aimed at teaching the basics. In this case, it's the basics of active surveillance, close monitoring of low- to favorable intermediate-risk prostate cancer.
The program features conversations between actual patients and their partners/spouses and leading experts. The goal of this series is to reach all AS candidates, including those who have not yet been diagnosed with prostate cancer but have rising PSAs (prostate-specific antigen) blood levels and offer them an introduction to AS and help them formulate questions when they go to their family doctors, urologists, or oncologists.
Watch the first video of the series here.
AS 101 is sponsored by the Active Surveillance Coalition, which includes Active Surveillance Patients International, the AnCan Virtual Support Group for Active Surveillance, Prostate Cancer Support Canada, Prostate Cancer Research Institute, and TheActiveSurveillor.com newsletter. We encourage you to share this series with anyone who you know who is dealing with this issue, including your family physician. |
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| The Walnut Foundation presents 'The Unique Prostate Cancer Issues in the Black Community: A conference on prostate health for men, caregivers, and their families' - Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm EST
Speakers will include: Dr. John Oliffe speaking on 'Masculinities and Stress-Management,' Dr. Neil Fleshner speaking on the 'Impact of genetic risk on prostate cancer in the Black community,' and more. Learn more and register here. |
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| The Life on ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) online educational program's next sessions will take place October 12th and November 14th at 3:00 PM Pacific time/ 6:00 PM Eastern time. More information available here. |
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| Day 2 Sessions from the 2022 Prostate Cancer Virtual Conference |
| Our first virtual Conference took place over the weekend of September 17th and 18th and saw participants from across Canada, the States, and even as far as Tunisia and Malaysia!
View the recording of Day 2: Prostate Cancer Realities from the 2022 Prostate Cancer Virtual Conference above which includes:
- 'Your Most Asked Questions: Incontinence, Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, and More' with Nicole Baba, Nurse Navigator
- 'A Community for Everyone: Support for Unique Needs' with Phil Segal (Active Surveillance), Philip Zacharias (Advanced Prostate Cancer), Ken Noel (The Walnut Foundation; support for Black men), Vince Schiralli (Butts in Motion, prostate cancer fitness), Glenda Standeven (Partners in Prostate), Daniel Leung (Richmond Prostate, support for Chinese-speaking patients)
- 'How to Find Trusted Information' with Dr. Richard Wassersug, Research Scientist
- 'Get Your Butt in Motion: Yoga Break' with Sharon Freeman, Butts in Yoga Instructor
- 'Managing Anxiety and Difficult Emotions with Mindfulness' with Dr. Linda Carlson, Psychosocial Oncologist
- 'Maintaining Intimacy in Partnerships Affected by Prostate Cancer' with Reanne Booker, Oncologic Nurse
- 'Prostate Cancer and Genetics' with Justin Lorentz, Genetic Counsellor
- 'Looking to the Future: What’s on the Horizon' with Dr. Michael Cox, Senior Research Scientist
- 'Ask a Radiation Oncologist and a Urologist' with Dr. Neil Dwyer, Urologist and Dr. Juanita Crook, Radiation Oncologist
Day 1 focussed on prostate cancer support leadership and included an incredible presentation by Dr. Brian Goldman which may be reviewed below. |
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| View some of our other recent uploads by clicking on any of the other thumbnails above. |
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| 50-year-old guys should know their PSA scores - Kevin Higgins, PCS Cranbrook for East Kootenay News
"September is designated as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Canada. Prostate cancer (PCa) kills well over 4,000 Canadian men each year. The big shame of that is that PCa is nearly 100% treatable when detected early. If it is left to grow on its own, it leaves the prostate gland and invades the rest of the body. That’s when it can be fatal... So if you are out walking and seeing a blue house, it is a reminder that you should look after your health. If you are a 50-year-old guy you should know your PSA score." |
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| In honour of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and to get the word out about Light Up in Blue, Murray Hill, PCS Saskatoon support group leader and Vice Chair of the PCSC National Council, was interviewed on 'The Best of Saskatchewan' segment on the Gormley Show on AM 650 CKOM. |
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| Vancouver Prostate Centre researchers develop blood test for cancer
"Canada-based researchers at the Vancouver Prostate Centre and BC Cancer have developed a new blood test to study and treat cancer. The first-of-its-kind test provides critical information regarding a patient’s cancer and allows doctors to offer better treatment options that can improve patient outcomes.
It analyses the DNA that metastatic cancers shed into a person’s bloodstream, which is called circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA). The test performs whole genome sequencing of ctDNA to reveal the characteristics of each patient’s cancer." |
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| Patients and partners are welcome to join us online, anywhere for:
- free yoga sessions every Tuesday
- free fitness sessions every Monday and Thursday
Or find out what walking clubs, dragon-boating teams, socials, and other Butts activities are available in your area at buttsinmotion.ca.
You can even grab yourself a pair of Butts shorts and other Butts exercise essentials! |
| Get moving with us |
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| Never miss another meeting, update, or opportunity:
Subscribe to Your Monthly Debrief here. |
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