Postlewait discussion group

Tue May 4 09:45:26 EDT 1993

Just a reminder to everyone about the ACTR discussion group on
Sunday 30 May from 7 pm on in Room 433, Paterson Hall (tentative).
I am urging people to attend.  It will be very relaxed (should
we get in some beer and pizzas?) especially as it follows hard on
the Presidential wine and cheese.  Would you talk it up among
colleagues as an event not to be missed?  And please urge them
to read the article beforehand; I think that the success of the
event will depend on our preparedness, however informal.  (Sounds
as tho' I am briefing a grad. seminar!)  I'll bring a few extra
copies but people should try to remember to bring their own.
I have only vague thoughts about how to approach the session.  It
seems to me that we could interrogate (that's for Ric--pity, he's
not on line yet) the article in general and in particular; more
importantly, we should interrogate its implications for Canadian/
Quebecois theatre historiography.  What are some of the (essential-
ising?) principles which we rely on (if only unwittingly) that are
rooted in (dated?) periodisation assumptions?  --Denis
P.S.  I had an encouraging note from Harry Lane who is planning to
attend.  He thinks Postlewait's is a wonderful article.  So do I.

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