an old Canadian play: Marsh Hay

Helen Peters hpeters at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Fri Aug 23 11:12:46 EDT 1996

Dear Alan, Reid, Richard, Denis and Everyone Else,
        I notice that women never get involved in these discussions, but
I thought I'd take a plunge. I agree, as usual, with Reid that European
directors do take current theoretical positions into account -- this is
based on my attendance of the Salzburg Theatre Festival in 1993:
Antigone, The Persians, Coriolanus, etc.
        I also want to say, that at least in Newfoundland, when texts are
available, our old plays are being resurrected. I want to discuss soon
Rising Tide's fourth annual summer festival which consists and has
consisted of reproductions of Newfoundland plays -- and it isn't "summer
        Perhaps I can also be permitted the self indulgence of saying
that since "The Plays of CODCO" was published in late 1992 (in New York
because no Canadian publisher was interested in it), I have seen 6
productions of CODCO plays mostly by young Newfoundlanders who were not born when the
plays were performed (1973-76). The latest production played at Theatre
Passe Muraille the second week of August. I will forward to you what
information I have on that.
        With regard to the rest of the discussion -- I may be simple
minded but my Oxford education instilled in me the idea that a
passage of time was necessary before a truly throrugh scholarly approach
can be taken to any subjent. I may still be the victim of colonialism
here, because the Brits have so much more old stuff than we do -- it
certainly gives them an edge. I don't know. However, I also believe that we
are in a very privileged position to support, enhance and help the practising
theatre community in this country, and I also feel that many of us do this.
        The notice on the CODCO production will follow because I don't
know how to incorporate it in this. Cheers, Helen

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