Oldies but goodies: two plays from your region?

David.Millar David.Millar at UALBERTA.CA
Sat Aug 24 10:59:59 EDT 1996

The debate on _Marsh Hay_ reminded me that there are a lot of interesting
old plays which open a window on life & culture in each region -- exactly
what I am trying to put together for a new Canadian Studies course for
bilingual students.

Can each CANDRAMA member suggest one or two?

I hope for responses from all parts of Canada in which theatre research
oldtimers (which I am not) list just 1 or 2 of their faves. For instance,
I myself would nominate Reaney's _Donnellys_ trilogy which I saw when I
lived in Toronto & Hamilton but I'm not sure what came after -- or before.
Thanks to Lisbie Rae and Guiseppi Verdicchio who have already replied.

david.millar at ualberta.ca
Prof d'Humanites, Faculte Saint-Jean, University of Alberta
8406 91 St. Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4G9 Canada. FAX (403)465-8760
page FRANCO: http://www.ualberta.ca/~fmillar/franco.html
 "Delivre-toi de la misere
  La verite t'attend la-bas." (J-J. Richard, Le feu dans l'amiante, p.211)

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