Kathy Chung's electronic Newsletter question

Ed Mullaly mullaly at UNB.CA
Tue Aug 27 09:52:00 EDT 1996

        Whoa!  I builded better than I knew.  Kathy has asked for opinions
on the Newsletter going electronic.  I responded to this question that I
thought it was a good idea.  Unfortunately (for me) in my response I quoted
the part of Kathy Chung's email which asked the question -- I did so merely
so she would have a reference to what I was saying. I am not the author of
the question.
        So far this morning, I have received four responses to Kathy's
question -- from individuals presuming that my response to her was really a
question that I was positing myself.  Responses to Kathy's question about
the Newsletter should go directly to her; it's HER question.  Oops, a fifth
response came in just as I was writing this.  Damn, I better send this NOW!!

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Ed Mullaly                        I'd rather hear wisdom spoken
Dept of English, UNB              foolishly by the Curate,
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3           Than foolishness spoken wisely
(506)453-4676                     by the Dean.
FAX 453-5069                                 -- Belloc
mullaly at unb.ca

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