Accomodations in London, England

James Forsythe forsythe at BRANDONU.CA
Wed Feb 21 16:16:22 EST 1996

I have a sabbatical coming up next year and hope to spend at least half of
it in London.  Is there anyone out there with any tips on what to do or what
to avoid? And does anyone have a line on accomodations?  There would be two
of us and I'm looking at perhaps six months.
I visit every year but this will be the first time for an extended stay and
I am a little concerned about the high cost of housing.  I would also be
interested in talking with anyone who has acted in England regarding
performing possibilities.  I was born a British subject so I will be able to
work. Lots to think about and time is flying by.  Thanks in advance.
James Forsythe
Head, Drama Program
Brandon University
204 727 9662 (office)
204 726 4573 (fax)
Forsythe at BrandonU.Ca

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