ACTR programme

Richard Sutherland Richard_Sutherland at MINDLINK.BC.CA
Wed Mar 5 13:05:25 EST 1997

Dear Denyse:

I don't know what sort of e-mail system you use, but if it's something like
Eudora (which I use), or Pegasus, you might be able to send it to me in the
form of an attached file. You haven't specified what sort of format your
programme is in--MS Word, Wordperfect, etc (I use WP61 for windows). At any
rate, you could try sending it e-mail. If that doesn't work, you could send
me a disk by regular mail.

I have to mention that I don't know how much longer I will be maintaining
this site as I am extremely disappointed in the lack of response to the web
site (despite repeated requests for feedback). I feel that people in ACTR
generally are very enthusiastic about the IDEA of the web site, but I doubt
anyone has actually looked at it for months now (if ever). Frankly, my
feeling is the the amount of work required to convert info into suitable
hypertext is not warranted by the amount it is used. I mean this is really
BORING work (for me on a Sisyphean scale).

Richard (whose next big project is his income tax)

>Richard can I best assist you re our Web site...can I
>email you the programme??? On disc??? On fax???Ask and you shall

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