Destruction de theatres antiques en Turquie (fwd)

Richard Plant rplant at UTORONTO.CA
Sun Mar 23 16:58:14 EST 1997

Subscribers to Candrama:

This message came to me, as is evident, from QUEATRE. It seems to me a
matter which many people on Candrama might be interested in knowing about.
With that in mind, I pass the details on to you. A text in English follows
the French.

Richard Plant

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 14:06:05 -0500 (EST)
From: BOURASSA ANDRE G <bourassa.andre_g at>
Reply-To: queatre at
To: rplant at
Subject: Destruction de theatres antiques en Turquie

Notre collegue Josette Feral, qui n'a pas acces a Queatre la ou elle se
trouve, me prie de vous communiquer ce message qui vient d'etre lance sur
un reseau anglophone par Don B. Wilmets, secretaire de la Societe
americaine de recherche theatrale ( American Society for Theatre
Research). Vous trouverez donc le resume en francais qu'elle
m'a transmis et le texte original anglais qui fait suite. La situation
semble en effet alarmante pour la culture mondiale, et pas seulement
pour l'histoire du theatre.
Cordialement, Andre G. Bourassa.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Josette Feral <feral.josette at>
Chers collegues,

J'ai recu dans mon courrier la lettre ci-dessous necessitant, je crois,
une intervention de notre part. Si vous avez le temps ou la volonte
d'intervenir, veuillez envoyer une lettre au Maire de Pergamme en Turquie.
Je ne suis pas sure qu'une lettre qui arrive seule soit d'une grande
efficacite mais je suis sure que plusieurs envoyees de differents pays
dans le monde auront un certain impact. Je suis sure aussi que si nous ne
faisons rien, les traces de ces theatres d'autrefois seront
irremediablement detruites.
Josette Feral

Dear IFTR/FIRT Colleagues: A situation has come to my attention which I
would like to share with you. It seems that there is the strong potential
destruction of ancient theatre ruins in Turkey. Apparently a letter writing
campaign is possibly the most effective form of protest available
(especially coming from outside of Turkey).  Letters from professors,
graduate students, and artists will carry a good deal of weight with
Turkish officials.  If a letter can be translated into Turkish, that would
be even better (to accompany the original letter in whatever original
language it may be written in).  If you are interested in writing a letter
expressing concern, it should go to:
                Sesa Taskin
                The Mayor of Pergammon
                Izmmir, Turkey
This is apparently all the address that is needed.
        Let me quickly summarize the problem: gold mining companies are
invading Turkey and are in the process of destroying the environment,
including as many as six ancient/antique theatre remains.  Apparently, to
mine just an ounce of gold, tons of rock have to removed from the mountains
and washed with a cyanide solution.  The residue is then directed into
large basins where the liquid evaporates into the air over the course of
many years. Any living organism that comes into contact with this polluted
water dies or becomes ill.  At present, one of the largest sites being
currently mined is the area of Pergammon, which also happens to be the home
to the six ancient theatre ruins.
        You might also be interested in knowing that a resolution was
passed by the European Parliament in 1994 in which it condemns the Turkish
government for permitting mining and other future projects which would
exploit the Turkish people and their culture.  Also, FIAN (International
Human Rights Organization for the Right to Feed Oneself) in January of this
year wrote to the Minister of Justice in Ankara calling for immediate
action to prevent further ecological damage.
        As theatre scholars and teachers I suspect we are all concerned
about the ecological impact of cyanide mining by Eurogold in Turkey but
should be equally distressed by the potential loss of the irreplaceable
ancient theatre sites in the area.  I hope you might be concerned enough to
write to the above address expressing your feelings about this situation.
Timing does seem to be a factor. It would also be helpful if you could
share this message with colleagues.  Many thanks. Don B. Wilmeth,
Secretary, American Society for Theatre Research

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