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pb8298 pb8298 at BELSONET.NET
Mon Dec 14 17:06:04 EST 1998

Dear Sirs.
The teachers of Byelorussian Academy of Art would be grateful to hear your
professional opinion on the methods of development of musical skills,
rhythmics and expressiveness of actors. which were worked out at our
Your specialists are widely known for their indisputably high level of
teaching. That is why any of your comments would be highly appreciated.
Herewith we are sending you a video cassette (30 min) that contains
fragments of concluding lessons which present the basic aspects of the
The concluding lessons take place at the end of each term (2-6 hours a
During the first two terms we concentrate on the development of motional
and vocal coordination on the basis of musical and rhythmical material,
During the second two terms we pay particular attention to the development
of musical and vocal improvisation,
In case you are interested in our teaching methods we should be glad to
provide you with more information on the above,
We are also prepared to discuss it with you in more details at your
convenience. We look forward to hearing from you. .Sincerely yours,
Alexandra Sandler
Gennady Fomin
If you are interested with a practical outcome of our work and you are
ready to inform us the judgement, inform please by fax (0172) 340-200
Republics Byelarussia, city Minsk
E-mai: pb8298@
We shall send the cassete of a video.

For more information, open faile RTF.rtf
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