stars function as points of light

Howard Beye beyehl at ULETH.CA
Thu Nov 12 23:20:32 EST 1998

Candrama come in please.......@#$%#^& (that is equivalent to radio
Candrama come in please.......#$%@^&#$
There seems to be a lot of static on this channel........#$%@#$
This is Lethbridge calling....come in your
Gosh and golly i wanted to hear about Canadian theatre and all i can get
is the sound somewhat like the hum in the speakers when the stereo is on
and there isn't any music playing........#$%@#$^#
Gaetan is concerned about the lack of the regional voice for theatre in
the supposed national newspaper........@^^&%^$........i am sorry but you
are all broken up........@#$#$%#$%
Glen Nichols wants to have a dialogue about Canadian Theatre on the
Candrama listserv........%#$%#$%.........WOW......let me take a minute
with this.....that is a revolutionary concept.....@$@#$%%#%#$%......What
did you say.....the static is is making it very
difficult to communicate...i will sign off now and try again
later......I hope this message gets through to all the stations in the
The brat from U Leth

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