Call for papers

Jason L. Winslade jlw321 at NWU.EDU
Tue Sep 15 16:05:19 EDT 1998


The Religion and Theatre Focus Group seeks proposals for a panel entitled
"Junior Scholars in Religion and Theatre" at the annual conference for the
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) in Toronto, Canada on
July 28-31, 1999.  This is essentially a debut panel intended for graduate
students to present their work, often a section of their dissertation or
thesis, on the topic of Religion and Theatre.  The Religion and Theatre
Focus group studies the spirituality of world cultures in all the
disciplines of theatre, performance studies in sacred rituals of all
cultures, and themes of transcendence in text, on stage and in theatre
history and other topics at the intersection of theatre and comparative
religions. Although we highly welcome submissions on any topic that fit the
above criteria, we would especially like to encourage, for this particular
conference, works on Native American Spirituality, and non-Western or
non-traditional religions. We will accept three panelists who will give
presentations at the 1999 ATHE conference in Toronto. If accepted, the
panelists are expected to commit to traveling to Toronto on the dates
given.  ATHE often provides work-study to offset conference fees, cheaper
housing for graduate studies, and the possibility of travel grants is
currently being investigated.  As graduate student representative of the
Religion and Theatre focus group, I will select and chair the panel. Send
submissions to me (apprx. a 500 word abstract) via e-mail at
jlw321 at
Deadline for submissions is October 15, 1998.
You will be notified of your acceptance by November 1, 1998 (which is the
deadline for panel submissions).  This is a recurring panel at ATHE so
acceptance of the panel itself is practically guaranteed, but we always
want to be sure.
For more information contact:
Jason Winslade
Performance Studies
Northwestern University
fax: (847) 467-2019
jlw321 at

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