ATHE ONLINE: Call for Papers (fwd)

Kathy Chung kchung at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Wed Sep 16 16:02:08 EDT 1998

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 15:01:50 -0400
From: Jeff Nyhoff <jnyhoff at>
Reply-To: Association for Theater in Higher Education - News and
       Information <ATHENEWS at>
Subject: ATHE ONLINE: Call for Papers

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|  __).-| = | = |/   \ |       A service of The Association for Theatre   |
|  >__) (.'---`.)Q.|.Q.|--.    in Higher Education, P.O. Box 9098,        |
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+-------------------------  Forwarded Message  ---------------------------+

From: Elizabeth Reitz Mullenix <emullen at>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 10:26:39 -0500

Call for Papers

MATC Celebrates the Fin-de-Siecle

Mid-American Theatre Conference

Theatre History Symposium

March 1999

        Cognizant of the rapid dawning of a new century, the MATC
recently celebrated three hundred years of accomplishment within the
American theatre in order to recognize and ruminate upon previous
significant events.

This year, the MATC invites papers that discuss the fin-de-siecle, essays
that investigate the complex patterns and the theoretical/historical
issues that emerge as one century turns to another.  We are interested in
papers that deal with the dichotomies that result from such material and
ideological paradigm shifts: beginnings and endings, death and
rebirth, crisis and resolution,19th century vs. 20th century (20th vs. 21st),
and retrospection vs. progressive or prophetic vision.

We also welcome papers that somehow reflect upon the 20th anniversary
that the MATC celebrates in 1999 through an exploration of how theatre
scholarship and academia fits within the broader topic of the
fin-de-siecle.  Essays might consider the ways in which temporal
transitions or ideological shifts affect the nature of the profession,
whether more traditional historical approaches will triumph over high
theory in the next century, in what ways theatre departments will be
affected by larger institutional discussions concerning the abolition
of tenure, and other pedagogical/professional issues.

Please send us a one-page abstract with a cover letter by December 1,
1998. We will notify you by January 15th, 1999, if your proposal is
accepted.  Papers will be delivered in oral presentations of fifteen to
twenty minutes, so speakers should write with these limitations in
mind.  Please include a request for any needed audio-visual equipment
in your proposal. Send abstracts to either:

Elizabeth Reitz Mullenix                William D. Sonnega
Illinois State University               St. Olaf College
Department of Theatre--Box 5700         Department of Speech-Theatre
Normal, IL 61890                        Northfield, MN

Phone: (309) 438-3955                   Phone: (507) 646-3367
FAX: (309) 438-7214                     FAX: (507) 646-3949
emullen at          sonnega at


College of Fine Arts
Illinois State University
Normal IL  61790

+------------------------ End of Forwarded Message -----------------------+
|ATHE ONLINE is sponsored by the Department of Theatre at Wayne State     |
|University, home of the HILBERRY REPERTORY THEATRE. Department of Theatre|
|Wayne State University, 95 W. Hancock, Detroit, MI,48202, 313.577.3508.  |

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