2000 ACTR conference

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Wed Aug 4 11:43:41 EDT 1999

Melanie, et al
The conference coordinator for next year's ACTR Conference is

Rosalind Kerr
Drama Dept.   FAB 3-146
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB   T6G 2C9
B# 403 492 8737; H# 403 430 9145
Fax# 403 492 9156
rosalind.kerr at ualberta.ca

There will be a formal Call for Papers later in the Fall, but if you have special projects to propose, I'm sure Rosalind and the people on her committee would be happy to hear them anytime.
All the best

Glen Nichols
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.
E1A 3E9
télécop./fax (506) 858-4166
téléphone (506) 858-4244

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