<no subject>

Gaetan Charlebois blajeune at TOTAL.NET
Sat Aug 14 23:57:18 EDT 1999

Hello All

Since the Calendar was launched, 28 companies have registered 74 productions
in nine provinces (apparently, there is no theatre in Saskatchewan and would
be none in PEI if it weren't for tours). FYI: over 100 companies
representing every region were contacted about the service. I think this
project is going swimmingly (and anticipate a mad rush after Labour Day).

But lest you think this is taking valuable time away from the main part of
the site - The Encyclopedia - think again. We are now receiving help,
corrections and nominations from all over the country (in large part thanks
to the buzz generated by the Calendar). These are being processed as they
come in and there is no backlog. We should be hitting the milestone of 1200
profiles/articles by Labour Day. (This number does not include Documents of
Interest, Reviews or other peripheral items on the site.)

Meanwhile, don't forget Heavenly Voices for your regional news, job postings
or audition calls. (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/heavenlyvoices.html)

And announce your show!
(http://www.canadiantheatre.com/calendar/calendarguidlines.html) If you want
to see what a typical region's and month's line-up can look like go to

New Profiles:
Browning, Norman (Actor) (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/b/browningn.html)
Thomson, Robert (Designer) (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/t/thomsonro.html)
Caravan Theatre (Company)
Proulx, Denise (Denyse) (Actor)

Thea-Tricks; Sources; Reviews; Masthead; Calendar (19 productions added);
Heavenly Voices; Maillet, A.; "Salt-Water Moon"; Cercle Moliere; Children's
Theatre; Shaw Festival; British Columbia; Dora Mavor Moore Awards; "Marsh
Hay"; Czerny, H.;  Eastern Front Theatre; Verdecchia, G.; Lunchbox Theatre;
Martini, C.; Stickland, E.; Alberta; Foster, N.; Gascon, J.; Roux, JL; "Les

Gaetan L. Charlebois (Editor, The Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the
WWW) http://www.canadiantheatre.com or
If you want to join the Encyclopedia's mailing list (and get information
before anyone else as well as the Monday Hint for the Thea-Tricks Doozey),
simply send an e-mail to blajeune at total.net with the subject heading
"Mailing list"; if you wish to be removed from this mailing list, simply
reply to this e-mail with the subject heading: "Remove"

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