Mansbridge v. Gelinas

Gaetan Charlebois blajeune at TOTAL.NET
Tue Mar 16 22:38:25 EST 1999

Well, I'd pretty much thought I'd seen it all with CBC's blindness about
Canadian culture; but tonight's National pretty much takes the cake.

Strike or no strike; I listened to that doofus Mansbridge drone for 24
minutes before he got to the death of Gratien Gelinas. (I got to hear about
a scandal in the European union, a scandal in BC, a scandal with a senator,
a scandal with the Olympics and some six other stories first). Then Gelinas
got 30 seconds with his picture (but none of the  archival film
Radio-Canada, the sister network, has been playing relentlessly since this
afternoon). In the 30 seconds we got to hear that Gelinas was grandfather
of the buxom Madonna wannabe Mitsou and was married to an actress (a
nobody, to CBC; FYI it's grande dame Huguette Oligny).

Maybe when Mansbridge gets home, Cynthia Dale, his wife, will explain to
him just what a botch the report was and just how important this man was,
not only to Quebec theatre (as Mansbridge managed) but to the national

Can you tell...I'm pissed. I give up.

Gaetan Charlebois

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