CTCA & canadiantheatre.com partner

Gaetan Charlebois blajeune at TOTAL.NET
Sun Apr 9 18:28:31 EDT 2000

canadiantheatre.com is very pleased to announce the creation of its new
Partners Program and its first partnership: The Canadian Theatre Critics
Association (CTCA). (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/ctca.html)

The canadiantheatre.com Partners Program is part of canadiantheatre.com's
continued effort towards creating a national community of people interested
in theatre. Put simply, we want to have one stop-shopping for Canadian
theatre information. (Hugely successful examples of our work so far is The
Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the WWW and The National Theatre
Calendar and Registry.)

Towards that end, national theatre organizations (like the CTCA) who wish to
have a web-site with us and who wish to reach the 3-8,000 visitors who come
to canadiantheatre.com each week are invited to contact us
(blajeune at total.net). There is no charge for this new service and a site's
size and complexity are negotiable (and based on information, photos and the
technical abilities provided by the organization and the help we can offer).

Gaetan L. Charlebois (Editor, Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the WWW,

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