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denis d.salter at VIDEOTRON.CA
Thu Nov 29 22:30:48 EST 2001

Dear Colleagues: I left out the contact co-ordinates!  Apologies.


Deadline: November 30, 2001. Contact: Dr. Eugenia Sojka or Tomasz Sikora, Canadian Studies Centre, University of Silesia, Institute of British and American Culture and Literature, Zytnia 10, 41-205 Sosnowiec. Tel/fax: +48- 32  435 92 05. Email: esojka at or sikora at

'If we rule the world together then we can succeed in peace and let each other be different and have different opinions and different cultures. If there was no diversity then life would be boring. Imagine me looking exactly like you or acting the same way! LIFE NEEDS difference and until we realise it then we will not achieve our hope of world peace!"-Natasha Salter, written on the occasion of her 11th birthday (20 November 01).

Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke St West
H3A 2T6

T: (514) 398 6573
F: (514) 398 8146
E: <d.salter at>
    <denis.salter at>

Home Office
4965, avenue Connaught
Notre Dame De Grace
H4V 1X4

T: (514) 487 2568
F via Email:  (309) 294 0444
E: <d.salter at>
    <denis.salter at>

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