New Play Available for September 11th Memorials

Amy Green amysgreen at COMCAST.NET
Sat Jul 20 07:36:47 EDT 2002

WHAT HAPPENED:  The September 11th Testimony Project is a 90-minute one-act documentary drama by and about 40 New Yorkers who were caught in the chaos of the WTC attacks that day.  A collective narrative that follows events and personal experiences from early that beautiful morning through impact, escape, rescue and recovery, grieving, and reflection on how our lives have changed.  The script is now available for consideration for commemorative performances on this year's anniversary date.

WHAT HAPPENED is the product of more than 60 original interviews conducted at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), which lost more than 110 students, faculty, and alumni in the terrorist attacks.  The characters include police officers, firefighters, other emergency personnel, and ordinary New Yorkers whose courage, common sense, honesty, and good humor are heroic in their own way.  All dialogue is verbatim from transcripts of the interviews.  The play can be performed with as few as 6 or 8 to as many as 14 or 15 actors.

At its NYC premiere in April, one visitor from West Virginia remarked that until she saw the show, she hadn't realized what had actually happened to the people of New York City.  WHAT HAPPENED:  The September 11th Testimony Project provides an opportunity to honor those who survived to tell their stories.

If you are interested in a synopsis, excerpts, or the full script, please contact me directly at amysgreen at

Amy S. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Speech and Theatre
John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY
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