ACTR looks for Newsletter Editor

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Wed Feb 5 12:27:22 EST 2003

The Association for Canadian Theatre Research is looking for a Newsletter Editor to replace the current editor, myself (Glen Nichols).

I've had the pleasure of doing the newsletter for five years and have a great deal of fun in the job. It has been a terrific way to get to know many people in the association and what's going on in and around our field. It hasn't hurt my applications for tenure and promotion either!!!

The work involves a fair bit of time for a couple of weeks each spring and fall, but other than not much time is demanded.  It is mostly a question of keeping the contributions organized and the biggest job is reminding people to make their submissions etc.
This is a great chance for someone to make a really significant contribution to ACTR and put their stamp on our primary communication... the newsletter.

If you're interested if learning more, contact myself at this email or the president, Anne Nothof at annen at


Glen Nichols
Editor, ACTR Newsletter/Bulletin ARTC
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.   E1A 3E9
Tél: (506) 858-4244; Fax: (506) 858-4166
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