Dramatic Theory text

Moira Day moiraday at DUKE.USASK.CA
Thu Aug 5 12:28:45 EDT 2004

Hello all,
        After many happy years of teaching dramatic theory at the 400
level, I got news this last spring that my favorite textbook, Dramatic
Theory and Criticism: Greeks to Grotowski by Bernard Dukore, had gone out
of print. Despite its weaknesses in post-1960s criticism, it was the most
comprehensive single text of world readings in theory that I have found to
date, and I've had trouble finding a suitable replacement for it.
        Any suggestions? Most of the books I get from publishers focus on
literary theory.  Some like the Carlson text deal specifically with
dramatic theory and are comprehensive in nature but don't have the actual
readings. Others, like the Sidnell are multi-volume and perhaps a little
too comprehensive for this level of teaching.
        I'm all right for this year. But I'd value suggestions to look over
before next spring.


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