[Fwd: Advertisement for tenure-stream faculty position UofToronto]

Luella Massey l.massey at UTORONTO.CA
Sat Aug 19 14:39:49 EDT 2006



University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM), University of Toronto, 
English.  Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, 
Assistant Professor, Department of English and Drama, University of 
Toronto at Mississauga, University of Toronto.  Qualifications:  Ph.D. 
in English or related field, with specialization in 
Twentieth-century/Contemporary Drama. Applications are welcomed from 
candidates qualified to teach, supervise theses, and carry out research 
in this area, and who have evidence of excellence in research and 
teaching.  Secondary field, particularly in those areas with existing 
UTM programs—Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies; Institute of 
Communication and Culture—would be strongly preferred. The University of 
Toronto Department of English is a three-campus graduate department (St. 
George, U of T at Mississauga, and U of T at Scarborough), and the 
successful candidate will be a member of the graduate faculty of the 
University of Toronto. Duties consist of research; teaching 
undergraduate courses at the UTM campus and graduate courses at the St. 
George campus; supervision of graduate theses.  Salary commensurate with 
qualifications and experience.
Send applications and c.v. to Professor Leslie Thomson, Chair, 
Department of English and Drama / University of Toronto at Mississauga / 
3359 Mississauga Road North / Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6.  Have 3 
letters of reference (or dossier) and graduate transcripts sent directly 
to the Department as soon as possible.  Include ONE writing sample of 
scholarly work of not more than 25 pages. Appointment commences
1 July 2007.  The deadline for applications is 10 November 2006.
The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct 
research and live in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan locations 
in the world. The University also offers opportunities to work in a 
range of collaborative programs. The University of Toronto is strongly 
committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes 
applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal 
persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, 
and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. 
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and 
permanent residents will be given priority.

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