Arts journal accessible to Candrama community

Cheryl McLean cmvoice at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 31 09:57:38 EDT 2006

CCAHTE Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education 

This arts/medicine eNews/journal is available without charge  to Candrama 
Next issue:  drama/education/social change,
I hope you enjoy the fall 2006 issue of CCAHTE,
drama articles in archived issues,  archive open and accessible.
C. McLean,
London, Ont.

Info below:

You can now access your fall 2006 issue of CCAHTE The Canadian
Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education eNews/journal
at  Thank you for registering as a CCAHTE 

CCAHTE September 2006 Issue  Highlights,          reports, articles, news, 
announcements..and more....

Creative Writing in Medical Practice/Poetry in  Education

"One cannot watch death and suffering and not be touched but
these feelings are hard to express, hard to articulate.....for
those who can access it, poetry offers a language to express
the inexpressible......full article  at

"Artists on the Wards"  Program

"Feedback from patients and their families as well as physicians and staff
clearly indicates the involvement of the artists can reduce the perception
of pain and alleviate boredom, loneliness and anxiety thereby reducing the 
use of
pain medication, sedatives and anti-depressant medication and
length of stay,,,,,,,,"    read more, full article  at

Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine Program

"Recognition of the value of art as an important component of
healthcare is increasing.  Research also exists that
supports the use of arts and humanities in medical education....
we are indeed looking forward to a creative exchange and
dialogue between arts, humanities and sciences that will
foster an expanded vision that integrates the body, mind and
health and wellness and goes beyond simply the treatment
of disease......"

full article  at

Moving From Fear to Security; Dance, Health, Palliative Care

In this article  exploring a film about dance, health and palliative care,
we come full circle to witness new choreography in action
in writings about approaches and research
in "Authentic Movement" and themes of story, place and
reclamation (also features poetry by Laurie Block.).......More at

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