"Any Mummers Allowed?"

Denis Salter denis.salter at MCGILL.CA
Mon Dec 18 19:49:48 EST 2006

5. IDEAS: Tuesday December 19th

Part One of "Any Mummers Allowed?" tonight on Ideas.  In Newfoundland, on any night during the twelve days of Christmas, you may hear pounding on your door. Voices outside shout, "Any mummers allowed?" Allowed or not, they will tumble into your home, loud, masked and rowdy. In Ireland, they may bring livestock. In Philadelphia, their street parade stops traffic. Chris Brookes looks at an ancient solstice tradition that continues today on both sides of the Atlantic. That's tonight on Ideas at 9 (9:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. (CONCLUDES TOMORROW) 
" . . . we have to accept that our tragedy lies always in our past, that we have to live with our ancestors' folly and suffer for it, just as they, in their turn, suffered, and as we, through our vanity and ignorance, ensure the pain and suffering of our own children. How to correct history, that's the thing."--Robert Fisk
"In 2005, the world . . . pass[ed] the trillion-dollar mark in the expenditure, annually, on arms. We're fighting for $50 billion annually for foreign aid for Africa: the military total outstrips human need by 20 to 1. Can someone please explain to me our contemporary balance of values?" --Stephen Lewis.
Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke St. West
Montréal, QC
H3A 2T6
Tel (514) 398 6592 / 487 7309 
Fax (514) 398 8146
Computer Fax (309) 294 0444
denis.salter at mcgill.ca 
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