CFP Robertson Davies

Denis Salter denis.salter at MCGILL.CA
Mon Feb 6 09:54:12 EST 2006

Colleagues: Russell Brown asked me to send out this CFP for the Robertson Davies conference at Massey College in November.  He would very much welcome papers on Davies and the theatre.

--Denis Salter.


Proposals are invited for

Reconsiderations of Robertson Davies

A Conference at Massey College, University of Toronto
Friday, Nov. 24 and Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006

Proposals for papers of about 20 minutes on any aspect of Robertson Davies'
literary contributions-the Deptford Trilogy and other fiction, his dramas,
his essays, his letters, his role in Canadian literary culture-are invited.

How do we view Davies' works today?
Which of his texts continue to attract us as critics -
and what do we have to say about them?
What new contexts or critical approaches inform our reading?
What is Davies' place now in the classroom and the canon?

Please send a 250-word abstract in the body of an e-mail message by May 15

Russell Morton Brown and Donna Bennett at rbrown at

or by mail to

Russell Morton Brown and Donna Bennett
Department of Humanities, University of Toronto at Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4

Panel proposals are also welcomed

"When a people forget a language, they forfeit the heart of who they  
are and the ability to comprehend the stories that are central to their 
cultural, spiritual and emotional health."--Keren Rice.
"That's what hybrids were invented for: survival in changing ecologies."--Lisa Doollittle 
"To celebrate this award, and the work it recognizes of those around the world, let me recall the words of Gandhi: 'My life is my message.' Also, plant a tree."  Wangari Maathai, winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize for Peace.

Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke St. West
Montréal, QC
H3A 2T6
Tel (514) 398 6550
Regular Fax (514) 398 8146
Computer Fax (309) 294 0444
denis.salter at
d.salter at
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