CFP Studies in Theatre and Performance CFP

Denis Salter denis.salter at MCGILL.CA
Wed May 10 12:26:29 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

Studies in Theatre and Performance is very interested in articles from Canadian theatre scholars on both Canadian and non-Canadian topics.  The journal, as its title indicates, is concerned with studies of theatre and performance (and not normally studies in / of dramatic literature).

The journal is the official publication of the Standing Conference of University Drama Departments (SCUDD) in the U.K. and incorporates Studies in Theatre Production. The editors are Peter Thomson and Lesley Wade, both of the University of Exeter.

Several projects by Canadian scholars, intended for STP, are at various stages of development.  Daniel Mroz, moreover, at the University of Ottawa, has a review of Yana Meerzon's The Path of a Character: Michael Chekhov's Inspired Acting and Theatre Semiotics (Peter Lang, 2005) coming out in 26.2 (2006).  Erin Hurley (McGill) published a review of Alan Filewod's Performing Canada: The Nation Enacted in the Imagined Theatre (2002) in 22.2 (2002): 127-28.

The current issue, 26.1 (2006) contains a wide array of articles: "Editorial Introduction: Alternatives within the mainstream: British Black and Asian theatre" (Dimple Godiwala);  "Writing black back: an overview of black theatre and performance in Britain" (Deirdre Osborne); "Genealogies, archaeologies, histories: the revolutionary 'interculturalism' of Asian Theatre in Britain" (Dimple Godiwala); "'Black and female is some of who I am and I want to explore it': black women's plays of the 1980s and 1990s" (Kathleen Starck); "Kali: providing a forum for British-Asian women playwrights" (Dimple Godiwala); "Serious business" (Sol. B. River); "The shape of a heart" (Jatinder Verma); a poem ("Different View") by the late Vera Gottlieb who served on the advisory board of STP; and 4 book reviews. 

Electronic articles are available on the website:

I will be bringing fliers about STP to the ACTR conference at York. The flier provides information about how to make submissions and a subscription form.  The journal is available both in print and as an e-journal. I shall also bring complimentary copies of the penultimate issue, 25.3 (2005). It is a special issue, co-edited by Jane Bacon and Franc Chamberlain, on the practice of performance studies in the U.K. 

If you wish to discuss ideas for articles and book reviews with me before, during, or after the conference, please do not hesitate to do so.

I look forward to hearing from you.

--Denis Salter.

"In 2005, the world . . . pass[ed] the trillion-dollar mark in the expenditure, annually, on arms. We're fighting for $50 billion annually for foreign aid for Africa: the military total outstrips human need by 20 to 1. Can someone please explain to me our contemporary balance of values?"--Stephen Lewis.  
"To celebrate this award, and the work it recognizes of those around the world, let me recall the words of Gandhi: 'My life is my message.' Also, plant a tree."  Wangari Maathai, winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize for Peace.

Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke St. West
Montréal, QC
H3A 2T6
Tel (514) 487 7309
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