Warm-up and cooling down

Dr Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe meyerdinkgrafe at BTOPENWORLD.COM
Sat Feb 7 06:30:37 EST 2009

Dear colleagues,

I note that there is much research published on warming-up exercises for
dancers, for sports people, and some for musicians. There are, of course,
also warm-up exercises for theatre actors, but research on those seems
sparse, and much less systematic, than for dance or sports. There seems to
be much less on cooling-down with regard to sports, dance and music, and
hardly anything for actors--they will tell you they go to the pub to cool

I would like to assess whether there is sufficient mileage in setting up a
network of colleagues across the UK and beyond, ideally with AHRC funding in
due course, from theatre, dance, sports and music, to survey the existing
research across the disciplines and on that basis develop a research project
to make approaches (at least for the theatre context) for warm-up more
systematic and better understood (rather than the current random pick and
mix approach) and to introduce appropriate cool-down theory and practice
(again in the theatre context--colleagues from other disciplines may be able
to develop their own, possibly comparative, projects on the basis of
sharing, discussion and the survey).

Any views or expressions of interest welcome off list to me at
dmeyerdinkgrafe at lincoln.ac.uk


Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe, University of Lincoln, UK

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