CFP: To Foreign Shores! Canadian Theatre Makers at Home and Abroad

Yana Meerzon Yana.Meerzon at UOTTAWA.CA
Tue Oct 9 09:45:21 EDT 2012

Dear folks,
I’m organizing a curated panel for the CATR 2013 meeting: it is entitled _To Foreign Shores! Canadian Theatre Makers at Home and Abroad_.
This is an official CALL for PAPERS, if anyone is interested please, respond to me directly, off this list.

The panel _To Foreign Shores! Canadian Theatre Makers at Home and Abroad_ invites interested participants to investigate dramatic and performative renderings of Canada in the dual context of the émigré theatre experiences 1) within the country and 2) abroad. It aims to explore the West-East/North-South dichotomies in English Canadian theatre, focusing specifically on issues of language, space, spiritual and religious values, and identity; and also wishes to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on exilic aspects in contemporary Canadian theatrical practice and research. Examples may include the experience of émigré Canadian artists, 2nd generation exiles and Canadians-expatriates who left their home to settle elsewhere; including the work of internationally acknowledged artists (Robert LePage, etc.) marked by the aesthetics of transnationalism and that of Canadian expatriates who permanently settled abroad and perhaps chose to work in a new language (Nancy Huston, etc.).  The panel welcomes contributions that make use of interdisciplinary methodological approaches from the fields of sociology and theatre, anthropology and performance studies, art and film history, semiotics, cognitive studies, and theory of literature and drama.  The following ancillary themes may include:
             Exiles, Outsiders, and Immigrants: How are the concepts and the figures of the Other envisioned and presented in the works of Canadian theatre artists and through scholarship? How are the issues of internal exile addressed?
             Lost in Translation: How does Canadian theatre and drama deal with the relationship between “centre” and “margin”? What place does Québec and French-Canadian drama occupy on English Canadian stages?
             Canadian Theatre in Broken English: How is Canada depicted through the works of recent immigrants and theatre artists of the diaspora? How visible are immigrant artists on Canadian stage? How does theatrical practice and scholarship resist the gravity of the Canadian émigré politics?
             To Other Shores …  with Love! A Canadian Abroad: How is Canada depicted through the works of Canadian artist-expatriates? How visible are expatriates on foreign stages? How do the experiences of nostalgia, displacement and linguistic othering mark the works of Canadian theatre expatriates?

The deadline to receive the proposals (250 words) is December 15, 2012; the due-date for the selected final papers is March 1, 2013.

Please, send your inquiries and proposals to ymeerzon at<mailto:ymeerzon at>

Yana Meerzon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Theatre, University of Ottawa
135 Séraphin-Marion, Room 304B
Ottawa ON Canada, K1N 6N5
Telephone: 613 562-5800, ext. 2243
E-mail: ymeerzon at

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