a Canadian play that deals in some way with the cultural and political themes of neoliberalism.

David Ferry appledor at SYMPATICO.CA
Mon Sep 9 19:55:08 EDT 2013

Well take a look at Seeds(Annabel Soutar: Porte Parole with Crows theatre . Deals with the battle between multinational agribusiness and individual farmer out of the old collective mentality. 

Staging was an interesting performative style too.


David Ferry
Appledore Productions
416 433 5826

On Sep 9, 2013, at 6:32 PM, Kym Bird <kbird at YORKU.CA> wrote:

> I’m looking for a Canadian play that deals in some way with the cultural and political themes of neoliberalism. These may include themes such as the shift from collective to individual responsibility for our well-being, the extension of market logics and notions of performance and efficiency to new areas of social life, psychologies of self-help and self-improvement, insecure and ‘flexible’ employment, etc. Many thanks, Kym Bird
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