University of Victoria Position in Applied Theatre

Allana Lindgren aclind at UVIC.CA
Mon Apr 14 21:12:39 EDT 2014

Theatre Department, University of Victoria
Assistant Professor in Applied Theatre

The Department of Theatre at the University of Victoria invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Applied Theatre.  

Candidates will have a PhD or MA, and experience of teaching principally at the undergraduate level; but there will also be opportunities to make input to graduate courses, and to be involved in graduate supervision.  S/he will have knowledge of, and experience in, the discipline of theatre and its applications across a wide variety of contexts.  The position requires someone who can see the potential for the contributions that applied theatre can offer to the wider community at the university, local and provincial levels, and who understands the means by which these collaborations can be most productively realized.  In addition to teaching expertise, the appointee will be expected to demonstrate the potential for innovative research and sound scholarship.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the teaching of courses designed to apply the concept of theatre beyond its traditional performance and production contexts.  The undergraduate program in Applied Theatre is in its tenth year of operation, with the graduate program having begun in 2006.  The discipline of applied theatre at the University of Victoria is conceptualized as the use of theatre for extra-theatrical purposes, where ‘extra-theatrical’ refers to the purposes of social change and social justice, education and community-building.  The appointee will be required to develop connections between the Theatre Department and the broader university community, and beyond.  S/he will have the ability to engender energy and commitment within the undergraduate population, and to develop new and innovative courses to expand the range of the department’s offerings in the field of applied theatre. 
For more information about the Theatre Department at the University of Victoria and the magnificently-equipped Phoenix Theatre building, go to

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the university.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

A floor salary for this position will be established by the university, and the successful candidate will be appointed as Assistant Professor (tenure track).  It is anticipated that the successful candidate will begin her/his duties on July 1st 2014.

Please send applications, including a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information of three referees by Friday, May 23rd, 2014 to: 

Dr Warwick Dobson, Chair, Department of Theatre, University of Victoria, PO Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2.  (Telephone: 250 721 7997; e-mail: theatre at; web:

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