Graduate Programs in Theatre and Performance UofT

David Ferry appledor at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Jan 31 19:15:33 EST 2014

I was turned down by UVIC initially when I applied to the MFA theatre directing program because I had no undergraduate degree (just 2 years of credits.) On appeal I was admitted based on professional experience (30 years including an AD position) and a strong letter from the head of the National Theatre School stating that my three year diploma graduation had an equivalency in research and application to a BA program at a University. I was also required by UVIC to do a 4th year deep research course outside of my area of interest within the English department. I did a bibliography course that was one of the great pleasures of my MFA studies.....and led to publication. Go figure.

David Ferry
Appledore Productions
416 433 5826
appledor at

> On Jan 31, 2014, at 4:29 PM, "Whitehead, Jay" <jay.whitehead2 at ULETH.CA> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I am trying to gather information from other university theatre departments offering MFA's regarding any policy or precedent for admitting students into MFA programs without an undergraduate degree but a vast wealth of professional experience and creative activity.   I know York University, for example will accept students without undergraduate degrees based on experience, portfolio and audition.  
> I would appreciate if people could provide the practices of their institutions on this topic.
> Thanks.
> Jay
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