Staging poetry

Day, Moira at USASK.CA
Fri Nov 28 13:31:55 EST 2014

Not recent, but the poetry of Sarah Binks "the sweet songstress of Saskatchewan" (alias Paul Hiebert) was turned into a very funny one person-show "The Wonderful World of Sarah Binks" starring Eric Donkin as Rosalaind Drool. This would have been in the 1970s.

From: Canadian Theatre Research [CANDRAMA at] on behalf of David Ferry [appledor at SYMPATICO.CA]
Sent: November 27, 2014 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Staging poetry

Howl! (Ginsberg) with Ted Dykstra for Art of Time
Alligator Pie (Dennis Lee adaped by Mike Ross and Creation Ensemble) for Soulpepper Theatre
Spoon River Anthology ( same team) at Soulpepper
There have also been some poetry presentations over the years at Stratford...Douglas Campbell did a William Blake piece
Leon Pownell a Dylan Thomas piece
And Shakespeare stuff of course (sonnets etc)
And Lucy Peacock has done something recently
Roy Lewis has done some cabaret perfs of his own poetry there (his Haiku series)

David Ferry/Appledore Productions
74 Ivy  Ave
Toronto, ON M4L 2H7
416 433 5826
appledor at<mailto:appledor at>

On Nov 27, 2014, at 5:07 PM, Conrad Alexandrowicz <conrada at UVIC.CA<mailto:conrada at UVIC.CA>> wrote:

I am currently revising an article for publication that essentially reflects upon my recent SSHRC-funded project staging selections from the published poetry of Lorna Crozier and ErĂ­n Moure. This resulted in the creation of a number of staged works.

When I began this work I did a quick survey of recent work of this kind in Canada, and came up with very little in the professional theatre, apart from a couple of notable and inspiring examples: The Four Horsemen Project, by Volcano Theatre, and Doing Leonard Cohen, by One Yellow Rabbit.

I know that some work of this kind has been going on in the academy, but I'd like to gather some real evidence here.

Does anyone have anything to share in this regard? A project in which you have been involved, or which you know about?

I would very much appreciate hearing from you!

Warm regards,
Conrad Alexandrowicz, Associate Professor
Movement, Acting and Devised Physical Theatre
Department of Theatre
University of Victoria

Cell: 250.580.5524
Office: 250.853.3727

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