Harry Lindley query

Ian Easterbrook eeaster at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Jun 10 09:50:01 EDT 2016


I am currently researching the life and career of Henry Lindley Woodall, who
trod the boards across Canada (and the US) ca.1870 until his death in 1913.

He was best known here as Harry Lindley, but his stage career in the UK
began as H. Woodall, then Henry Woodall; he started over here as Major Henry
Lindley, later Harry Lindley.

May I ask whether you are aware of others who are engaged in studying (or
have studied) this fellow?

I have found his autobiography "Merely Players," and Mary Elizabeth Smith's
magnificent paper on his travails in Atlantic Canada - but have seen little

Any suggestions would be much appreciated

Ian Easterbrook
Fergus  ON

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