[Acocoops] You insight and feedback needed - WatITis slide deck

Bill Baer bill.baer at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 28 12:58:46 EST 2023


Here is link to the slide deck [?pptx icon]  WatITis ACO 2023.pptx<https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/personal/jgreatre_uwaterloo_ca/Documents/ACO/ACO%20WatITis%202023/WatITis%20ACO%202023.pptx?d=w134e2057bd4e49c48ccd25cc48022752&csf=1&web=1&e=9A8KWp>

Note we only have 10 to 15 minutes to present to leave room for questions. Thus will most likely be condensed further.

However, I did want to share our straw-dog slide deck for your input and feedback.

PLEASE NOTE ALL FEEDBACK WILL. BE REQUIRED BEFORE FRIDAY NOON, so we can incorporate into final run-through next Monday!

All the best, Bill
William R Baer, BASc (Systems Design)
Director IT - Arts Computing Office (ACO)
Bill.Baer @ uwaterloo.ca
Cell: 905-320-0483
Home: 905-481-2986
Fongo: 289-619-3650
Bill.Baer @ gmail.com

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