[Acocoops] FW: PDAG Seminar: Jira Software Premium - What's new and how to use it

Jameson Schildroth jschildroth at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 3 11:18:43 EDT 2024


Jameson Schildroth
Information Technology Specialist
Arts Computing Office
University of Waterloo
PAS 2081D
Office: 519-888-4567  x41275
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From: pdag <pdag-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca> On Behalf Of Emily Goodwin
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 9:20 AM
To: pdag at lists.uwaterloo.ca; 'ist-staff at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Cc: PDAG and Online Seminars - Campus IT <9d565dc3.uofwaterloo.mail.onmicrosoft.com at ca.teams.ms>
Subject: [pdag] PDAG Seminar: Jira Software Premium - What's new and how to use it

Topic:               Jira Premium - What's new and how to use it

Date:                Friday, April 5th

Time:                 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.

Online:              Via Teams. Please follow the link below to access the session

Presenter(s):                 Kurtis Girard, Sarah McKone

Moderator(s):               Jennifer Vieira

IT Professional Development Advisory Group: https://uwaterloo.ca/it-professional-development-advisory-group/


In March 2024 IST upgraded from standard Jira Software to premium. In this seminar, we'll discuss the new features available with Jira Software Premium and provide on overview of how you can get started using advanced planning.


Kurtis Girard and Sarah McKone

Sarah McKone and Kurtis Girard are Computing Consultants in IST. They are responsible for supporting Atlassian product administration.

This session will be recorded.


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