Jeff Wiseman in concert Registry Theatre June 12 8 PM

William Chesney wchesney at
Mon May 26 10:19:02 EDT 2008

Greetings Arts faculty and staff:

I am promoting a fundraising concert for eyeGO to the Arts, a 
born-and-bred-in-KW initiative that partners with local live 
entertainment presenters large and small to make best-available 
reserved tickets accessible to local high school students for just 
$5. In this way the audience of tomorrow for theatre, dance, opera 
and other live entertainment is being developed. eyeGO has a proven 
success record and ticket sales to HS students have increased 
steadily over the 7 years of the program's existence.

Anyone who knows me knows of my passionate involvement with eyeGO to 
the Arts. The program is in need of support to continue our outreach 
efforts in Ontario and across Canada. You can visit the website 
students use to find out about available shows at

eyeGO is presenting Canadian tenor Jeff Wiseman at the Registry 
Theatre on Thursday June 12 at 8 PM. Tickets are 25 dollars. Jeff is 
a warm and dynamic performer and will be accompanying himself on 
guitar and piano, presenting his own songs as well as beloved 
classics such as Take Him Home from Les Miserables and Danny Boy. I 
have a recording of him doing the latter; contact me if you care to 
hear it (too big to send to everyone via artsannounce). He really is dynamite.

It's a wonderful entertaining evening supporting a most worthy cause. 
I have tickets which I will be happy to sell you, or you can get them 
by calling 519 241 9910 or online at Or you 
can get them at the door, but the Registry is tiny and we fully 
intend to sell out!

I know it is the evening of Arts convocation, but I still really hope 
you will consider joining us for this event.

Thanks for reading this.


William Chesney
Associate Dean of Arts - Undergraduate Studies
Associate Professor - Drama
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 ext. 33554 (Arts Undergraduate Office)
519 888 4567 ext. 33685 (Drama)
519 725 1794 (fax)
wchesney at 
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