Arabic for Beginners course

Ron Champion rchampio at
Tue Sep 9 12:38:29 EDT 2008

Renison will offer a non-credit Arabic for Beginners course this term.

The course starts next week, is 3 hours/week (day and time to be  
determined--to suit the students' and instructor's schedules), and  
will run for 12 weeks.

The course will cover basic conversations such as introductions, small  
talk, and ice breakers, in addition to the Arabic alphabet, numbers  
and pronouns. The course will also touch on the Arab culture. By the  
end of the course, students will be able to read and write words and  
simple sentences and count to a million in Arabic.

The tuition is $310, including GST.

For more information or to obtain a registration form, please contact  
Ron Champion at rchampion at, x28616.


Ron Champion
Special Projects Manager/Senior Language Instructor
English Language Institute, Renison University College, University of Waterloo
rchampion at  Tel 519.884.4404 ext.28616  Fax 519.884.5135

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