Critical Media Lab launch--you are invited

Fraser Easton englishchair at
Fri Sep 11 10:15:18 EDT 2009

Dear Colleagues--

On behalf of the Department of English it is my pleasure to invite all  
members of the Faculty of Arts to the official launch of a major new  
initiative: the opening of the Critical Media Lab at 195 King Street  
West in Kitchener (right across from Kitchener City Hall in the old  
PUC building).  Please join us next Tuesday, September 15 from 2:00 to  
4:00 pm for refreshments and a chance to view the lab.

Further information:

The Critical Media Lab (CML) is a new research/creation initiative  
founded in the Department of English.  The CML supports projects that  
draw on new media to investigate the impact of technology on society  
and the human condition.  This fall, the lab will host a number of  
research projects and creative endeavours by UW faculty, in addition  
to a research/creation project by visiting artist/researcher Ron  
Broglio.  The lab also engages in community outreach, which explains  
the importance of its downtown location.  Current community partners  
include the Contemporary Art Forum of Kitchener + Area (CAFKA), the  
Waterloo Regional Children's Museum, and the City of Kitchener.  This  
fall, the Critical Media Lab will participate in the CAFKA bienniale,  
the IMPACT theatre festival, and the City of Kitchener's Public Art  
program, including the creation of digital productions for projection  
onto a new large-scale surface above City Hall.

For additional details about the CML, please visit



Dr. Fraser Easton
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1

519-888-4567  x 33359

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