Dr. Abuelaish, Gaza, speaking on International Peace Day

Mary Lou Klassen mlklasse at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Sep 11 14:01:28 EDT 2009

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish
Monday, Sept. 21, 7:30pm
Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages, 
University of Waterloo.
For more information see:
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish MD, MPH, is a Gazan physician who is a passionate and
an eloquent proponent of peace between Palestinians and Israelis. He has
devoted his life to medicine and the search for reconciliation in the Middle

Abuelaish has been an important figure in Palestinian-Israeli relations for
years; treating Palestinian and Israeli patients and working in Israeli
hospitals, he is a committed advocate of forgiveness and healing as engines
in the peace journey. 

On January 16th, Dr. Abuelaish tragically lost three of his daughters and a
niece when Israeli tank shells shattered his house in the Jabala camp. The
drama was broadcast live on Israeli television, capturing for the first time
the lethal toll that the battle was taking on Gaza's civilian population and
conveying it right into the living rooms of Israelis and others around the
world.  For a moving tribute by Dr. Abuelaish to his daughters, see:
<http://www.daughtersforlife.com/> http://www.daughtersforlife.com/

In the face of this horrific personal tragedy, Dr. Abuelaish has continued
to advocate for peace and harmonious coexistence between Palestinians and
Israelis. Indeed Abuelaish continues to live up to the description bestowed
upon him by an Israeli colleague: a magical, secret bridge between Israelis
and Palestinians. 

An international foundation, inspired by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish's vision and
commitment to peace and reconciliation, is being created, with  headquarters
in Toronto and Gaza. The Foundation will develop programs promoting
education, health and leadership for the women and girls throughout the
Gaza and the Middle East.

Educated at Harvard (Master's of Public Health) Dr. Abuelaish is currently
associate professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the
University of Toronto, Canada. Dr. Abuelaish is a nominee for the 2010 Nobel
Peace Prize.

For more information about Dr. Abuelaish's story in the news see:


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Mary Lou Klassen 
Administrative Assistant 
Peace and Conflict Studies 

Conrad Grebel University College 
University of Waterloo
Rm 2130, 140 Westmount Rd. N., 
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G6 
519.885.0220 ext. 24269 
519.885.0014 fax 
 <mailto:mlklasse at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca> mlklasse at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca

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