English Department lecture on "How the Bible Became Literature"
easton at uwaterloo.ca
easton at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Sep 15 23:46:33 EDT 2010
Dear Colleagues--
You are invited to a free lecture by Gordon Campbell on "How the Bible
Became Literature." Dr. Campbell is Professor of Renaissance Studies
at the University of Leicester and a noted Miltonist. His talk is
Thurs. Sept. 16th at 4:30 pm in Hagey Hall 232, and all are welcome.
Dr. Campbell, who received his BA in English from the University of
Waterloo, has published widely on Milton (most recently a co-authored
biography, OUP, 2008) and on the cultural history of the Renaissance
(notably the single-authored Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance). He
has edited three Grove encyclopaedias for OUP (Decorative Art, 2 vols;
Classical Art and Architecture, 2 vols; Northern Renaissance, 3 vols),
and worked for decades as a journal editor for OUP (Renaissance
Studies and Review of English Studies). Honours include a higher
doctorate from York, an honorary doctorate from Bucharest and
fellowships of the Royal Historical Society, the Royal Asiatic
Society, the Royal Geographical Society and the Society of Antiquaries.
Dr. Fraser Easton
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x 33359
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