New 18th-Century Research Group

Fraser Easton englishchair at
Wed Nov 16 12:45:38 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues--

This is to announce the first regular meeting of a new  
multidisciplinary academic group--the Eighteenth-Century Research  
Group.  The Group invites participation from faculty and graduate  
students in any discipline working on eighteenth-century or early  
modern topics.

The next meeting is set for Friday December 9th at 2:30 pm.  The  
topic will be Dror Wahrman's book "The Making of the Modern Self,"  
which will introduced and then thrown open for general discussion.

Please RSVP me at easton at if you wish to attend the  
December 9th meeting or if you wish to get on the mailing list for  
future meetings of the group.


Best, Fraser

Fraser Easton
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Waterloo

519-888-4567  ext. 33359

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