Special UW event - Studio 180's production of 'The Normal Heart'

Patricia L Cook patti.cook at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 26 10:12:11 EDT 2012

Please join us in Toronto for this very special presentation.

The History: If you are not familiar with Studio 180, it originates from our own HH 180, the studio where Drama performs their February show, rehearses many projects and is a classroom for acting classes. This UW space inspired the Toronto-based Studio 180 Theatre.  Professor Joel Greenberg and four Arts alumni are the co-founders of the Studio 180 theatre in Toronto: C. Derrick Chua<http://www.studio180theatre.com/about/the-team#chua>, Mark McGrinder<http://www.studio180theatre.com/about/the-team#mark>, Samara Nicholds, Kimwun Perehinec<http://www.studio180theatre.com/about/the-team#kimwun>.

The price is reduced for UW! And the cast will join us after the show.
The reminder email to all UW alumni is set to go out on Wednesday, October 31, so be sure to register (link below) before the theatre fills up.

In celebration of Studio 180’s<http://www.studio180theatre.com/> 10th anniversary, you’re invited to join us for their production of ‘The Normal Heart’, performed at the Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. This nationally acclaimed performance is under the direction of uWaterloo’s own Joel Greenberg.

Thursday, November 15, 2012
7:30-7:40pm - Pre-show introduction with Joel Greenberg in lobby

8:00pm - Performance begins

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street, Toronto<http://buddiesinbadtimes.com/contact/>

Tickets: $20 per person, includes an exclusive post-performance discussion with the cast.

Seating is limited. Pre-registration<https://longpoint.ads.uwaterloo.ca/alumnievents/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=577> is required by November 14th.

We hope that you can join us and look forward to seeing you on November 15th!

“More brilliant work from one of the most reliably interesting and challenging theatre companies in town.”
★★★★ (out of four) TORONTO STAR

“Damn good theatre!”
★★★★★ (out of five) TORONTO SUN

★★★★ (out of four) GLOBE AND MAIL

Patti Cook
Senior Alumni Advancement Officer

Arts Advancement
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
519-888-4567, ext. 37705

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