Department of French Studies Lecture Series - March Invitation

Kathleen StLaurent kathleen.stlaurent at
Mon Mar 18 10:59:23 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the Department of French Studies' lecture Series, you are invited to our next presentation by Laurent Dubreuil<>, Professor of French, Francophone and Comparative Literature at Cornell University.

The title of this presentation will be < Science Fictions >.

Laurent Dubreuil's research focuses on literature as an expression of thought that both defies the boundaries of rationality and responds to the disciplines of knowledge. He has published numerous articles in journals or collections, and he has edited several special issues of Labyrinthe on topics ranging from the end of the world to comics criticism. He is the author of four books. Dubreuil is currently the editor of Diacritics<>, the founder and general editor of sans papier-the first collection of electronic pre-prints in the field of French studies-and the editor-at-large of Labyrinthe<>, an interdisciplinary journal.

This event will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2012 at 2:30pm in TC 2218A.
Presentation will be in French, questions can be asked in English.
Coffee and cookies will be available.

We hope to see you there.

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