December pedagogy picnic -- date change and lunch invitation

Shannon Dea sjdea at
Fri Nov 28 17:24:33 EST 2014

Dear colleagues,

Unfortunately, I need to postpone our next Pedagogy Picnic (originally
scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 4) to Wednesday, Dec. 10. I'll make up for it
by providing lunch. Please rsvp so that I know how much food to order, and
please do let me know if you have any special dietary needs.

Recall that Pedagogy Picnics are (usually) brown-bag lunches at which you
can share questions and tips about teaching and learning -- and get a
glimpse at some of your colleagues' teaching and learning approaches.

For the duration of this academic year, we'll have Pedagogy Picnics once or
twice a month on Thursdays, 12-1 in HH 335.

Our Dec. 10 Pedagogy Picnic focuses on what difference an instructor's
career stage makes to their pedagogy, and to what career-stage specific
support instructors should receive for their teaching and learning.

Here are the next few topics and dates (Note that the first February
Pedagogy Picnic will be held Feb. 5, not Feb. 6, as I mistakenly reported
in an earlier email.):

·         January 15: What do you need (from others) to succeed as an

·         February 5: Authentic assessment

·         February 26: Teaching inclusively

Pedagogy Picnics are also scheduled for March 19 and April 16, topics to be
determined based on participants' interests. Let me know if there's a topic
you'd like to see added.

As ever, you may attend just one or two Pedagogy Picnics, or the whole
series. And, you should feel warmly encouraged to bring a colleague.

Again, if you plan to attend on the 10th, please let me know so that I can
provide lunch for you.

Hope to see you there!

All best,

Shannon Dea

Director, Women's Studies
Faculty of Arts Teaching Fellow
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Sanders Peirce Society
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. W.
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
(519) 888-4567 (ext. 32778)
FAX (519) 746-3097
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