Bridges Lecture: Friday November 28 at SJU

Alysia Kolentsis amkolentsis at
Thu Nov 27 09:40:08 EST 2014

How To Hold A Beautiful Thing

Bridges Lecture Series, 2014-2015, Lecture 2
Date: Friday, November 28, 2014 - 7:30pm

Lecture Title:
How to hold a beautiful thing

Talk abstract: Helen and Peter – actor, teacher, computer scientist, and mathematician – we find our professional lives rich with wonderful challenges. In this dramatic presentation Helen focuses on the actor she strives to become while Peter attempts to take hold of the teacher he would like to be. These come together in a surprising way as we arrive at a single image that seems powerful enough to capture the essence of our two struggles. It’s about how to hold a beautiful thing, how to hold it gently and forthrightly, how to support and be supported by it, and how to honour its beauty and share that with others.



Helen Bretzke (Drama and CS)

Helen Bretzke is an actor; in 1990 she won the Medal in Drama from Queen's University.  Her professional theatre credits include Sandy in Kingston Summer Festival’s 20th anniversary production of Judith Thompson's Crackwalker, and Maria in Twelfth Night with Thousand Islands Playhouse.  In 2006 she completed a second undergraduate degree; a Specialist B.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Toronto.  Helen is currently a software developer and research assistant with the Centre for Neuroscience Studies at Queen's University.  After 14 years studying, teaching, and working in computing, she returned to the stage as Martha in a Kingston production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?  She is typically to be found in the middle of the bridge, ready to jump either way.

Affiliation: Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen’s University

Peter Taylor (Math)<>

Peter Taylor is Professor of Mathematics, Biology and Education at Queen's University.  His research interests centre around genetic models of behaviour.  He is a 3M Fellow, Fellow of the Fields Institute and Chair of the Education Committee of the Canadian Mathematical Society.  He has done extensive curriculum writing with the Ontario Ministry of Education and in preparation for this, taught two semesters in high school.  His course Math and Poetry, taught for 20 years with an English Professor, attracted a wide range of students.  He is known for the quality of the problems he gives his students, though recently he has been seen skulking outside math classrooms declaring darkly that something is amiss.

Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University


Benoit Charbonneau
Pure Mathematics
519-888-4567 x37336
benoit.charbonneau at<mailto:benoit.charbonneau at>

Alysia Kolentsis
St Jerome's University
519-884-8110 x28280
amkolentsis at<mailto:amkolentsis at>

Location: Siegfried Hall
Free of Charge, Wheelchair Accessible, No Registration Required, Reception will follow the lecture.
Parking Notes:
Parking is available at St Paul's free of charge for the lecture. See the campus map for details.<>
Lecture Sponsor:
St. Jerome's University
University of Waterloo Arts
University of Waterloo Mathematics
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