April 7, 2016: Philosophy Talk

Vicki Brett vbrett at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Apr 1 10:12:14 EDT 2016

The last Philosophy talk of the Winter 2016 term will be Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 2:00 pm in HH 373.
David Godden, Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University will be speaking on Corroborative Evidence.

Corroborative Evidence
Corroborative evidence has two probative effects: a primary effect by which it offers direct evidence for some claim, and a secondary effect by which it bolsters the probative value of some other piece of evidence. This paper argues that the bolstering effect of corroborative evidence is epistemically legitimate because corroboration provides a reason to count the belief based on the initial evidence as sensitive to, and safe from, defeat in a way that it was not previously recognized to be. Discovering that our belief is impervious to defeat in ways we previously didn't recognize provides a reason to positively reappraise the probative strength of the evidence on which it is based. The final section of the paper relates the proposed sensitivity- and safety-based account of corroboration to an explanation-based account.


Vicki Brett
Undergraduate Coordinator
Philosophy Department - HH 365
200 University Avenue W.
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Tel:  519-888-4567  x32449
vbrett at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:vbrett at uwaterloo.ca>
[Email Logo - university-of-waterloo-logo-esig - Sept. 2014 - Resized Copy]

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