Everyone welcome at the Mel's Diner brunch in the New Arts student space

Stephanie Bromley sbromley at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 8 11:12:56 EDT 2016

Hello everyone,

Because of the iffy weather today our Arts Orientation Programming is being help inside.  Boar Tribe Lounge is running today from 11:30-2:30 in the New Arts student space.

As part of this programming brunch is being served by Mel's Diner from 11:45-2:15.  Come have "breakfast" for lunch, say hello to our new students, and enjoy some of the fun of Orientation 2016.

What is Boar Tribe Lounge?
This event will operate as a drop-in, open house-style opportunity for Arts first-year students to get food, continue connecting with upper-year Arts students, and have their questions answered by other upper-year students.  There will be particular value provided by the opportunity to have first-year student/leader interactions on the first and second days of classes because of how much more "real" their university lives will feel. We anticipate that many of our first-year students will have more and different questions that need answering at this time.  Arts first-year advisors will be present as well.

Thank you for your continued support for Orientation 2016.  The event is running smoothly and culminates this Saturday night.  Thank you for your cheers, your assistance, your good humour, and most of all for helping our students settle into their new home.

With great appreciation,

Stephanie Bromley
Student Engagement Officer
Orientation Advisor
Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo
PAS 2439
519-888-4567 ext., 33603
skype: stephanie.bromley

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