Event Saturday: PACS Alumni in Restorative Justice

Rachel Reist rreist at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 6 10:02:47 EST 2018

"But what do you do with a PACS degree?" is one of the most common questions that we get here in the PACS department from prospective students.

Are you curious to know the answer? Join us on Saturday, February 10th at 7:00pm to hear from four PACS alumni about their work after completing their degree! Our alumni will participate in a panel discussion facilitated by current students about how they are engaging with Restorative Justice in their work.

Panelists include:

*         Kristina Bartold, Residence and Student Life Coordinator at St. Jerome's University

*         Constable Eric Boynton, Recruiter with the Waterloo Regional Police Service

*         Scott Morton, PhD Student in Global Governance ad the Balsillie School of International Affairs

*         Kimberlee Walker, Education & Outreach Manager of Theatre of the Beat, Playwright, Director, Actor

This event<https://uwaterloo.ca/peace-conflict-studies/events/engaging-restorative-justice-pacs-alumni-panel> will be held at Conrad Grebel in the Great Hall (CGR 1111) and is free and open to the public. It is part of the larger student conference "Restorative Justice: History, Meaning, Practice"<https://uwaterloo.ca/peace-conflict-studies/conrad-grebel-icpf> taking place February 9-11, 2018.

Please feel free to share the attached poster.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Rachel Reist
Undergraduate Academic and Administrative Officer & Internship Coordinator
Peace and Conflict Studies
Conrad Grebel University College - University of Waterloo
140 Westmount Rd. N.
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G6
519-885-0220 ext. 24269
CGC 2103B
rreist at uwaterloo.ca



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