UWAG presents Lisa Lipton THE IMPOSSIBLE BLUE ROSE opening September 13

Jurakic, Ivan ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 6 11:49:57 EDT 2018


September 13–October 27, 2018

Artist Presentation: Thursday September 13, 12:00–1:00 pm, ECH 1219
Opening Reception: Thursday September 13, 5:00–8:00 pm, ECH 1239

THE IMPOSSIBLE BLUE ROSE is an ambitious multidisciplinary video installation by Lisa Lipton. It follows the artist's travels from the fictional town of Greysville across North America, to Los Angeles, Vancouver and beyond. Populated by recurring characters, personas, themes and motifs, and peppered with nostalgic pop references to the 80s and 90s, each chapter expands upon the narrative foundations of its predecessors. The installation is further augmented by a collection of costumes, props, furniture and souvenirs, that evoke the rebellious yearnings of young adulthood and underlying desire to reinvent oneself. The culmination of a multi-year performative project, THE IMPOSSIBLE BLUE ROSE encapsulates the artist’s immersive work in video, theatre, dance, poetry, drumming, and sculpture. Documenting her extraordinary, absurd, and often poignant experiences amongst fellow travelers in search of belonging, we are invited to join the artist on an emotionally charged journey of self-discovery.

Lisa Lipton’s THE IMPOSSIBLE BLUE ROSE is being presented in conjunction with her solo exhibition Chapter VI: Greysvillle currently on display at Hamilton Artists Inc. from September 8-October 27, 2018. 

Lisa Lipton is a Maritime-born multidisciplinary visual artist and musician who received her MFA from the University of Windsor and BFA from NSCAD University. She has attended multiple residencies and exhibited nationally and internationally in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Windsor, Winnipeg, New York, Detroit, Texas, Berlin, Amsterdam, and was shortlisted for the 2015 Sobey Art Award. THE IMPOSSIBLE BLUE ROSE has recently been exhibited at the Southern Alberta Gallery, Lethbridge; Diagonale Gallery, Montreal; and The New Gallery, Calgary. She is currently based in Calgary, Alberta.

Please join us for this immersive multidisciplinary co-presentation
Exhibitions are free and open to the public

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
East Campus Hall 1239
519.888.4567 ext. 33575
uwag.uwaterloo.ca <http://uwag.uwaterloo.ca/>
facebook.com/uwag.waterloo <https://www.facebook.com/uwag.waterloo>

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca <mailto:ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca>

Tuesday to Saturday 12:00-5:00 pm or by appointment

263 Phillip Street, Waterloo
East Campus Hall (ECH) is located north of University Avenue West across from Engineering 6

Visitor Parking is available in Lot B across from Engineering 6 or Lot Q for a flat rate of $5
uwaterloo.ca/map/ <http://uwaterloo.ca/map/>

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1

Image credit: Lisa Lipton, Chapter IX - THE END, The Impossible Blue Rose (Feature Film), 2016, HD Video Still, 01:23:58 mins. Image courtesy of the artist.

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
University of Waterloo Art Gallery
Driving: 263 Phillip Street, Waterloo
Mailing: 200 University Avenue West,
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca

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