June 6: Games Institute presents Neil Randall on D-Day game simulation

Wendy Philpott wphilpott at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jun 5 16:07:02 EDT 2019

Join the Games Institute tomorrow, Thursday, June 6th at 2pm in the Collaboration Space for a Brown Bag talk by Prof. Neil Randall, Games Institute Executive Director, on  "Simulating D-Day: Operation Overlord in Games"<https://uwaterloo.ca/games-institute/events/brown-bag-talk-dr-neil-randall>

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the launch of Operation Overlord and its D-Day invasions, which took place on June 6, 1944, Professor Randall will present a history of games that simulate this massively significant historical event. Randall's talk will explore the problems with simulating military operations. The audience will also have an opportunity to interact with some of the games Randall will explore during the talk. Light refreshments will be available after the presentation.

This event is part of our "Brown Bag Talk" series, an informal presentation where GI members and researchers in the field of games studies showcase their current work or topics of interest.

The Games Institute is located on the ground floor of EC 1.

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