Lecture by Elaine Gomez on "The Impact of Genuine and Mindful Inclusion of Marginalized Communities in Creative Works."

Gerald Voorhees gerald.voorhees at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 22 17:02:45 EST 2023

Sorry everyone, the Elaine Gómez lecture is tomorrow, February 23!


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On Feb 22, 2023, at 3:59 PM, Gerald Voorhees <gerald.voorhees at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

Please join the Anti-Racism, Decolonization, and EDI (ADE) Committee of the Games Institute<https://uwaterloo.ca/games-institute/> at the University of Waterloo (February 24, 1-3 PM Eastern) for a Lecture by Elaine Gomez (Brass Lion Games) on "The Impact of Genuine and Mindful Inclusion of Marginalized Communities in Creative Works."<https://uwaterloo.ca/games-institute/events/impact-genuine-and-mindful-inclusion-marginalized>

This is a free, online event! Eventbrite registration required.<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/impact-of-genuine-inclusion-of-marginalized-communities-in-creative-works-tickets-513038480907?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb>

Creative works have the power to uplift individuals or destroy years of activist work through the perpetuation of stereotypical perceptions. The gravity and pressure of these responsibilities often falls heavily on marginalized creatives. In an ideal world, as a collective, we could share the burdens together through processes that are inclusive, mindful and authentic. The more we understand each other's experiences, history, and backgrounds, the more impactful our work will be. Join Elaine Gómez as she expands on core principles that are currently shaping creative decision making in game development and how being part of a diverse workplace and active in organizations that give back makes a difference to those that matter most.

About the speaker:

Elaine Gomez is a prominent figure within the digital works community, and co-founder of Latinx in Gaming. As a Latina, she has lived experience within the games industry, is an independent Unity developer and games educator. Through her presentation, she plans to connect cultural appreciation and representation in games and other digital works. In her presentation, she will speak about how gaming has the power to destroy the perpetuation of stereotypical perceptions and will explain how games can be designed in a powerful and uplifting way. By understanding one another’s experiences, histories, cultural experiences and backgrounds, we can shape creative decision making in games development to be a more inclusive, mindful and authentic place.
(My apologies for my previous reply all to the list. Apparently I’m not very good at “control-f” searching a document!) - Gerald

Gerald Voorhees, Ph.D. (he/him)
Associate Professor
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
Department of Communication Arts
University of Waterloo
257A ML, Waterloo ON, N2L 3G1
I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometers on each side of the Grand River.

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